Likes and Dislikes of Venezuela

Likes Dislikes

  • Breathtaking nature
  • Brush their teeth after every meal
  • The party/dance culture
  • No (enforced) speed limits
  • They never get mad that you can't speak Spanish
  • All the attention I get because I am a blond and blue eyed
  • No road rage
  • Sleeping in hammocks
  • Fresh juice
  • SCUBA diving in the Caribbean for cheap
  • Local rum
  • Women wear as little clothing as possible

  • The police/military
  • They don't wait for other people to get off the elevator before pushing their way on
  • The traffic
  • Cellular phones everywhere
  • "The hand"
  • They sell garbage sacks in packs of four, folded together (who needs only four sacks?!)
  • The banks
  • The carts don't fit through the checkout lanes at the grocery store
  • The most trivial task takes forever to complete
  • They threw me in jail
  • People have no respect for the environment (littering, gross pollution, etc.)
  • The president
  • Having to pay someone to watch my car when I park on a public street
  • Women wear as little clothing as possible

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