Harry's Venezuela Web Site

I went back to Venezuela in October of 2002 to visit friends and climb Roraima. Read about the trip here.

Hello, my name is Harry Wagner and I created this website to share my travel experiences in Venezuela. For two years I worked and lived in Caracas, Venezuela, with remote mountain tops, beaches, and rainforests are accessible within a few hours drive. I have listed my experiences in Venezuela by Trip Location and further divisions have been made by date for destinations that I visited on multiple occasions. I have also compiled a list of useful Venezuela Related Links and listed my Likes and Dislikes of the country. Although I have left Venezuela I will always remember it with great fondness. The friends and experiences that I had there can never be replaced. Since returning to the States I have had a few opportunities to travel outside of the country. Information about these trips can be found here. If you have any questions or comments about the information presented here please e-mail me.

The end of a beautiful day in Cuyagua

Location Listing Venezuela Links

Travel Report Ring This Travel Report Ring site is owned by Harry Wagner.
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